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59 Charbit B, Albaladejo P, Funck Brentano C, Legrand M, Samain E and Marty J 2005 Prolongation of QTc interval after postoperative nausea and vomiting treatment by droperidol or ondansetron Anesthesiology 102 6 1094 100 PMID 15915019 10 cialis but read the rest
59 Charbit B, Albaladejo P, Funck Brentano C, Legrand M, Samain E and Marty J 2005 Prolongation of QTc interval after postoperative nausea and vomiting treatment by droperidol or ondansetron Anesthesiology 102 6 1094 100 PMID 15915019 10 cialis but read the rest